
Why I Wrote American Prophet (#1)

Why I Wrote American Prophet (#1)

American Prophet is a what if story?   What if you had a dream that came true?  Or, what if you simply had a “word” you felt compelled to share?  It’s not a message you necessarily want to deliver because some people will not want to hear it.  Prophecies and parables often make people uncomfortable.  Some may even be offended by this one. And yet, you share it anyway, because that’s what prophets do.

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How Evangelicals Are Failing Democracy  (#2)

How Evangelicals Are Failing Democracy (#2)

In the Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers invoked God or “the Creator” to imbue its people with inalienable rights, and to give the new nation its power and strength. In their wisdom, they understood that democracy requires the moral authority that only religion can provide. While his beliefs remain private, George Washington clearly viewed religion as a vital source of morality for the new republic. In his Farewell Address in September of 1796, he called religion: “a necessarily spring of popular government.”

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The Twin Sins of Abortion and Civil Rights (#3)

The Twin Sins of Abortion and Civil Rights (#3)

Between the late 1800s to the mid 1900s, Christians (as a political group) were largely disengaged from politics.  When Civil Rights sought to end legal discrimination, most white evangelicals were either against the movement or ambivalent.  White clergy urged King to show more restraint and patience even as dogs and firehoses were being used on nonviolent protestors.  King responded in his famous Letter from a Birmingham Jail, (1) expressing frustration with the “white moderate” who is more concerned with order than justice.

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The Politics of Jesus (#4)

The Politics of Jesus (#4)

Jesus believed himself to be the Son of Man, the Messiah for the Jews, and the rest of humanity.  His mission seems to crystalize out in the wilderness – fasting for forty days and going head-to-head with Satan.  When he comes out of the desert, crowds flock for he is clothed “in the power of the Spirit.” (1)  In a synagogue in Nazareth, he announces who he is by reading from the prophet Isaiah.

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American Prophet is coming out soon!